Usual Friday morning i got up looking ahead for weekend..i took my cell phone switched on music player and got to doing my daily chores.And knowing that music player takes a lot of charge i proactively kept my phone on charger as well.All going well suddenly the music stopped and i was horrified.Whatever happened to my phone i rushed to it and it stared at me totally blank........A year old phone going blank was worrying...i started thinking about the deteriorating quality of all products customers are being cheated and coming to my phone i would need to start the endless to and fro visits service senter.........sigh........
Then suddenly it occured what is the use of telecom engineering degree if i cannot analyse a cell phone and having worked in wireless domain for five years.........i took the phone tried switching on effect........then i looked at socket and the charger just dangling not connected properly ........hurray......the poor phone had just charged itself out as i had not connected it properly......
Good start to a great weekend.........:-)
Gud Way of telling u were being careless :D Nice one!!